WriteMyEssay.help stands for academic integrity and high standards of workmanship, which we communicate through our Honor Code here at our company. We hold employees & clients to the highest quality requirements, so you can be sure that anything less will not be tolerated in any way.
We at WriteMyEssay.help platform believe in academic integrity and honest grades. We are committed to providing a platform that supports honest academic practices.
At WriteMyEssay.help, we take academic integrity seriously and remove any writer who is guilty of cheating or plagiarism from our team immediately.
Cheating at school means getting help with your work from someone who is not allowed to provide you with it, like our expert writers or unauthorized websites.
Plagiarism is when someone takes another person’s work and submits it as their own without giving due credit. This is illegal and can get you in trouble.
Impersonating someone or stealing their identity is when someone pretends to be another person.
We do not support anything dishonest. Our company values integrity, and we never participate in illegal activity or fraud. If our writers are found to have done something dishonest or illegal, we will remove them from our writing team immediately.
Here is a list of activities that are not allowed on our platform. This list may vary depending on your agreement when signing up for our service, but we advise caution.
It is important to remember that if you break any of our rules, or breach our Honor Code, your account may be banned from using all services on this site. Activities that can lead to a ban are enlisted further.
Please let us know as soon as possible or submit a complaint so our team can immediately stop it!